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Here Are 100 Ways To Make Passive Income In 2023

Keep in mind that the feasibility and effectiveness of these methods can vary based on individual circumstances and market trends. It's important to do thorough research before investing time and resources into any passive income opportunity.

1 us dollar bill
1 us dollar bill
  1. Dividend stocks: Invest in stocks that pay out regular dividends, providing a steady income stream from company profits.

  2. Peer-to-peer lending: Lend money to individuals or small businesses through online platforms, earning interest on your loans.

  3. Real estate crowdfunding: Pool funds with others to invest in real estate projects, gaining a share of rental income or property value appreciation.

  4. Rental properties: Purchase properties and earn passive income by renting them out to tenants.

  5. Create an online course: Develop and sell educational courses on platforms like Udemy or Teachable, generating income as students enroll.

  6. Write an e-book: Write and publish an e-book on platforms like Amazon Kindle, earning royalties from each sale.

  7. Affiliate marketing: Promote products or services through affiliate links, earning a commission on sales generated through your referrals.

  8. Create a YouTube channel: Produce video content and monetize through ads, sponsorships, and merchandise sales.

  9. Develop a mobile app: Create a smartphone app and earn revenue through app sales, in-app purchases, or ads.

  10. Invest in a REIT: Buy shares in Real Estate Investment Trusts, which provide dividends based on income from their real estate holdings.

a person holding a bitcoin next to a cup of coffee
a person holding a bitcoin next to a cup of coffee
  1. Start a dropshipping business: Set up an online store and partner with suppliers to fulfill orders, without holding inventory yourself.

  2. High-yield savings accounts: Earn interest on your savings by depositing money in accounts with higher interest rates.

  3. License your photography: Sell licenses for your photos to be used by businesses, websites, or publications.

  4. Create a membership site: Offer exclusive content or resources to members who pay a recurring fee.

  5. Invest in a vending machine business: Place vending machines in strategic locations and earn income from sales.

  6. Invest in a cryptocurrency masternode: Support a blockchain network and earn rewards for validating transactions.

  7. Automated dropshipping with print-on-demand: Combine dropshipping with custom printing, automating the creation and shipping of products.

  8. Buy a blog and monetize it: Purchase an existing blog, increase its traffic, and monetize through ads, sponsored posts, and affiliate marketing.

  9. Create an Alexa skill: Develop voice-activated skills for Amazon Alexa and earn from usage or in-skill purchases.

  10. Create a mobile game: Design and release a smartphone game, earning revenue through ads, in-app purchases, or upfront sales.

person holding black iphone 5
person holding black iphone 5
  1. Build a niche website and monetize with ads: Create a website focused on a specific topic and generate income through ad networks.

  2. Invest in dividend ETFs: Buy exchange-traded funds that track dividend-paying stocks, providing diversification and regular payouts.

  3. Purchase a laundromat: Own a self-service laundry business and generate income from customer usage.

  4. Develop a subscription box service: Curate and deliver themed subscription boxes to customers on a regular basis.

  5. Invest in solar panels for rental income: Install solar panels on properties and earn income from selling excess energy to the grid.

  6. Purchase an ATM: Place ATMs in high-traffic locations and earn fees from transactions.

  7. Create an online store using print-on-demand: Sell custom-designed products without holding inventory, using a print-on-demand service.

  8. Invest in a small business as a silent partner: Provide capital to a small business in exchange for a share of profits, without active involvement.

  9. Purchase a storage unit rental business: Own and rent out storage units to individuals or businesses.

  10. Write a stock photography eBook: Create a guide or tutorial about stock photography and sell it to aspiring photographers.

space gray iPhone X
space gray iPhone X
  1. Buy an existing online business: Acquire an established online business and continue its operations for income.

  2. License your music: Allow others to use your music in their projects for a licensing fee.

  3. Create a dropshipping store with white-label products: Partner with manufacturers to sell products under your own brand, without the need for inventory.

  4. Invest in a private REIT: Invest in a non-public Real Estate Investment Trust, potentially offering higher returns than public REITs.

  5. Purchase a car wash: Own a car wash business and generate revenue from customers using your services.

  6. Create a blog and monetize with sponsored content: Write blog posts and receive payment for promoting products or services.

  7. Invest in a dividend growth fund: Put money into a fund that focuses on stocks with a history of increasing dividends over time.

  8. Rent out your unused space on Airbnb: List spare rooms or properties on Airbnb and earn income from short-term rentals.

  9. Develop a smartphone app: Create an app for smartphones and earn from downloads, in-app purchases, or ads.

  10. Invest in a vending machine route: Manage multiple vending machines across different locations for passive income.

white and red wooden house miniature on brown table
white and red wooden house miniature on brown table
  1. Start a podcast and monetize with sponsorships: Produce podcast episodes and earn revenue from sponsorships and ads.

  2. Invest in dividend aristocrat stocks: Invest in companies with a consistent history of raising dividends over the years.

  3. Buy a franchise business: Purchase a franchise and benefit from an established brand and business model.

  4. Create an online printables store: Design and sell printable templates, planners, and artwork online.

  5. Invest in a farmland crowdfunding platform: Invest in agricultural projects through crowdfunding platforms, earning a share of profits.

  6. Purchase a rental business for recreational equipment: Own and rent out equipment like bicycles, boats, or camping gear.

  7. Write a self-help book: Author a self-help or personal development book and earn royalties from sales.

  8. Invest in a dividend index fund: Put money into a fund that tracks a dividend-focused stock index.

  9. Develop an online design service: Offer graphic design or web design services online for a fee.

  10. Invest in a real estate development project: Invest in real estate projects in their early stages and earn a share of the profits.

person using MacBook Pro
person using MacBook Pro
  1. Start a YouTube channel for educational content: Create video tutorials or educational content and earn from ads and views.

  2. Invest in a peer-to-peer real estate lending platform: Lend money to real estate investors through online platforms for returns.

  3. Create an online marketing agency: Provide digital marketing services to businesses and earn fees for your expertise.

  4. Invest in a real estate rental pool: Pool funds with others to invest in a diversified portfolio of rental properties.

  5. Develop a niche subscription box: Curate subscription boxes tailored to specific interests or hobbies.

  6. Purchase vending machines for healthy snacks: Capitalize on health-conscious trends by offering healthy snacks through vending machines.

  7. Invest in dividend-paying bonds: Buy bonds that pay regular interest or dividends.

  8. Buy a website flipping business: Purchase, improve, and sell websites for profit.

  9. Develop a software as a service (SaaS) product: Create and offer a software tool online with a subscription-based pricing model.

  10. Invest in a high-yield corporate bond fund: Put money into a fund that focuses on higher-yielding corporate bonds.

red and white square illustration
red and white square illustration
  1. Start a blog for product reviews: Share reviews and recommendations on products and earn through affiliate marketing.

  2. Create an online community with a paid membership tier: Build a community and offer premium content to paying members.

  3. Invest in dividend-focused ETFs: Buy exchange-traded funds that concentrate on dividend-paying stocks.

  4. Purchase an existing subscription box business: Acquire a subscription box service and continue its operations.

  5. Develop an automated dropshipping store: Set up a dropshipping store with automated order processing.

  6. Invest in a real estate syndication: Invest in larger real estate projects with a group of investors, managed by professionals.

  7. Start an email marketing service: Offer email marketing solutions to businesses and charge a recurring fee.

  8. Purchase a profitable YouTube channel: Buy an existing YouTube channel with a strong subscriber base and monetization potential.

  9. Develop a subscription-based stock photo service: Offer a subscription for access to your stock photo library.

  10. Invest in a vending machine franchise: Join a vending machine franchise network for support and access to established brands.

man writing on paper
man writing on paper
  1. Create an online stock trading course: Teach others about stock trading and investing online, charging for access to your expertise.

  2. Invest in a municipal bond fund: Put money into a fund that focuses on municipal bonds issued by local governments.

  3. Purchase a digital product marketplace website: Own a platform where creators can sell digital products and earn a percentage of sales.

  4. Develop a social media scheduling tool: Create a tool that automates social media posts and charge a subscription fee.

  5. Invest in a microloans platform: Lend small amounts of money to individuals or businesses through online platforms.

  6. Start a newsletter and monetize with premium content: Offer valuable content through a newsletter and charge for premium subscriptions.

  7. Purchase a profitable mobile app: Buy an existing mobile app and earn income from downloads and in-app purchases.

  8. Develop an affiliate marketing directory: Create a directory of affiliate programs and earn from featured listings.

  9. Invest in a timberland crowdfunding project: Invest in timberland projects through crowdfunding platforms for potential returns.

  10. Start a YouTube channel for travel videos: Share travel experiences on YouTube and monetize through ads and sponsorships.

two black headphones on brown wooden table
two black headphones on brown wooden table
  1. Purchase an existing podcast with monetization potential: Acquire a podcast that already has a dedicated audience and potential for revenue.

  2. Develop a subscription-based software tool: Create software with ongoing value and charge users a subscription fee.

  3. Invest in a renewable energy project: Put money into projects related to renewable energy sources like solar or wind.

  4. Start an online fashion store with dropshipping: Sell clothing and accessories online without holding inventory.

  5. Purchase a subscription-based analytics platform: Own a platform that provides analytics insights to subscribers.

  6. Develop an automated Amazon FBA business: Set up a business using Amazon's Fulfilled by Amazon service for order fulfillment.

  7. Invest in a water rights crowdfunding project: Invest in water-related projects through crowdfunding platforms.

  8. Start a YouTube channel for food and recipes: Share cooking tutorials and recipes on YouTube and earn from ads.

  9. Purchase an existing e-commerce store: Buy an established online store and continue selling products.

  10. Develop a subscription-based language learning app: Create an app that helps users learn languages and charge a subscription fee.

blue red and green letters illustration
blue red and green letters illustration
  1. Invest in a peer-to-peer lending platform for small businesses: Lend money to small businesses through online platforms.

  2. Start an online interior design consultancy: Offer virtual interior design services to clients and charge for your expertise.

  3. Purchase a successful social media influencer account: Buy and manage social media accounts with a large following for sponsored posts.

  4. Develop a subscription-based fitness app: Create a fitness app with workout routines and charge users a subscription fee.

  5. Invest in a healthcare real estate project: Invest in real estate projects related to healthcare facilities.

  6. Start a YouTube channel for technology reviews: Review and demonstrate technology products on YouTube and earn from ads.

  7. Purchase an established online consulting business: Buy a consulting business and offer your services to clients.

  8. Develop a subscription-based productivity tool: Create a tool that helps users increase productivity and charge a subscription fee.

  9. Invest in a sustainable agriculture project: Put money into projects focused on sustainable agricultural practices.

  10. Start a YouTube channel for personal development content: Share personal development advice and content on YouTube and earn from ads and sponsorships.

Remember, each method comes with its own set of challenges and considerations, so thorough research and understanding are key before pursuing any passive income opportunity.